Thursday, March 5, 2020

How Empaths and Highly Sensitive People Can Deal with High-Pressure Work Environments - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How Empaths and Highly Sensitive People Can Deal with High-Pressure Work Environments - Introvert Whisperer How Empaths and Highly Sensitive People Can Deal with High-Pressure Work Environments There are many careers and work environments that are ideal for empaths and highly sensitive people (HSPs). Jobs that entail a great deal of written communication, allow for the ability to work remotely, and provide flexible schedules can set up HSPs and empaths to excel. Sometimes, though, one’s work environment can be less than ideal. Unavoidable confrontations, high levels of stress, and high-pressure work environments, in general, can cripple one’s ability to function. If you find that you’re struggling with a less-than-ideal situation at work, here are a few tips and tricks to help you manage the pressure, reduce stress, and not only survive but thrive each and every day. Strategize Against the Stress One of the first steps to surviving consistently high-pressure situations is finding ways to identify and manage your stress. As you take stock of what’s stressing you out, don’t just blame all of your anxiety on outside forces; look for any ways that you may be contributing to your stress as well. Things like procrastinating or letting yourself be talked into taking on other’s responsibilities can lead to high levels of stress. As you recognize the aspects of your environment that are causing you anxiety, begin working to minimize the effect that they have on you. Remove responsibilities that you may have taken on unnecessarily, look for patterns of negative thinking, and take time to do things like exercise or practice meditation in order to give yourself a chance to destress on a regular basis. Learn to Recognize Toxic Coworkers Sometimes it’s the people around you who are creating a high-pressure environment. If you think you may be dealing with toxic coworkers (or even if you have no idea if that’s the case) it may be worth studying some of the signs of a toxic coworker in order to differentiate who is causing you more stress than others. Look for behaviors like: Aggression. Bullying. Gossipping. A lack of important communication. Glory hogging. Favoritism. If you find that you have coworkers who are demonstrating these behaviors towards you, you’ll be better prepared to interact with them. Brace yourself to resist any attempt by them to harness your empathy, suck away your optimism, or unnecessarily add more work onto your plate. Study Your Company’s Systems and Methods Sometimes an HSP can deal with an unpleasant or confrontational situation at work by simply taking advantage of existing systems that are in place. Companies often have specific policies and procedures set up to deal with things like conflict resolution or harassment. You may have already learned about many of your company’s systems and methods if you work at a company that has a thorough onboarding process. Even if you don’t currently possess this knowledge, though, you can always do a little homework now in order to make sure you’re fully aware of all of the corporate tools you have available. This can do wonders in helping you manage the pressure of your daily grind. Stay Organized One way to remain calm throughout a stressful situation is to stay organized. If you tend to have slightly messier habits than your average coworker, consider taking some time to organize your space. Knowing where all of your belongings are (both digitally and physically) can make it easier to function within your workspace. If you’re a manager, it’s even more important to emphasize that you are ready to work in the midst of the chaos. Communicating and leading in an organized and thoroughly thought out manner can help to reduce the stress and keep everything copacetic as you lead your team through the pressure. Don’t Compromise Who You Are If you’re in management at your company, remember that one of the key traits of a good leader is retaining the exceptional traits that qualified you for the position in the first place. Even if you’re not in leadership, this one’s still important. It’s essential to recognize who you are and strive to maintain that identity as you navigate the stresses and strains each day. The certainty of knowing your inner identity in spite of your circumstances can go a long way in bolstering your confidence and helping you keep your head on straight each and every day. Take Control of Your Situation It can sound intimidating for an HSP or an empath to “take control” of a high-pressure scenario. However, it’s important to remember that we’re not talking about engaging in an unpleasant confrontation or setting yourself up as an alpha dog in your office. There are plenty of ways to navigate through the challenges of a high-pressure work scenario without ever needing to resort to more aggressive measures. If you focus on things like identifying toxic coworkers, remaining organized, finding stress coping mechanisms, and staying true to yourself, you’ll be better equipped to thrive no matter what environment you find yourself working in. Image Source: Pexels Author Bio: Jori Hamilton is a writer from the Pacific Northwest who has a particular interest in social justice, politics, education, healthcare, technology, and more. You can follow her on twitter @hamiltonjori Go to top Power-Influence-Office Politics: it comes down to your Strategic Relationships and understanding of how you build each one of these elements. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that outlines all of this and meaningful actions you can take today!   Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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